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Melody Mansurova

Melody, an international student from Central Asia, is excited to continue her connection with TWR through a summer internship.
Asia, Internship (2-3 mo.)
Melody Mansurova
Melody, an international student from Central Asia, is excited to continue her connection with TWR through a summer internship. Melody has history with TWR as her parents are both staff members with a TWR national partner in Central Asia. She is excited to be able to return home for the summer while using her God-given gifts and talents for a TWR internship. Melody currently resides in Chicago where she attends Moody Bible Institute and is studying Communications and Media Studies.

Melody says: “TWR does a beautiful job of reaching people all over the world through various media platforms. I think that this is such a unique way of serving people as we are in a media saturated world. I personally have seen the fruits of TWR's ministry throughout my life as my parents served with TWR for the past decade; I can attest to the amazing work that is being done in the parts of the world, where the people are typically neglected by traditional ministries and western media. Radio ministry is still an effective way of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and bringing hope to the lost people, which is the reason I would like to be part of this work!”
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